  Belief . 35mm photographs. Series of photographs of various paintings depicting the incredulity of Saint Thomas. 2012 - Ongoing.      Der Ungläubige Thomas ,
Bartholomäus Bruyn, 1525-1530, collection of the Gemäldegalerie, Berlin,

Belief. 35mm photographs. Series of photographs of various paintings depicting the incredulity of Saint Thomas. 2012 - Ongoing.

Der Ungläubige Thomas, Bartholomäus Bruyn, 1525-1530, collection of the Gemäldegalerie, Berlin, Germany.

    The Incredulity of Saint Thomas , Hendrick
Terbrugghen, 1626, collection of the Rijks Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, Hendrick Terbrugghen, 1626, collection of the Rijks Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

    The Incredulity of Saint Thomas ,
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, 1601-1602, collection of the Sanssouci in
Potsdam, Germany.

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, 1601-1602, collection of the Sanssouci in Potsdam, Germany.

    The Incredulity of Saint Thomas , Polidoro
da Caravaggio, 1531-1535, collection of the Courtauld Gallery, London, England.

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, Polidoro da Caravaggio, 1531-1535, collection of the Courtauld Gallery, London, England.

Belief. 35mm photographs. Series of photographs of various paintings depicting the incredulity of Saint Thomas. 2012 - Ongoing.

Der Ungläubige Thomas, Bartholomäus Bruyn, 1525-1530, collection of the Gemäldegalerie, Berlin, Germany.

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, Hendrick Terbrugghen, 1626, collection of the Rijks Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, 1601-1602, collection of the Sanssouci in Potsdam, Germany.

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, Polidoro da Caravaggio, 1531-1535, collection of the Courtauld Gallery, London, England.

  Belief . 35mm photographs. Series of photographs of various paintings depicting the incredulity of Saint Thomas. 2012 - Ongoing.      Der Ungläubige Thomas ,
Bartholomäus Bruyn, 1525-1530, collection of the Gemäldegalerie, Berlin,
    The Incredulity of Saint Thomas , Hendrick
Terbrugghen, 1626, collection of the Rijks Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    The Incredulity of Saint Thomas ,
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, 1601-1602, collection of the Sanssouci in
Potsdam, Germany.
    The Incredulity of Saint Thomas , Polidoro
da Caravaggio, 1531-1535, collection of the Courtauld Gallery, London, England.