Supermoon. Photograph of the moon on March 19, 2011, the closest the moon has been to earth in 18 years. 2011.

Spiral Staircase. Installation view on Lookout Mountain in Georgia. 2008.

Spiral Staircase. Installation view on Lookout Mountain in Georgia. 2008.
Power Line Swing. Installation view on Lookout Mountain in Georgia. 2008.

Photograph from The Undiscovered Atoll of Flushtopia. For Queens International IV at the Queens Museum, with the Anti-Fascist Culture Club. 2009.

Spinning Wheel (in its travel box). 48" x 48" x 6" when closed. Oak, cherry, maple, steel, pine and plywood. 2009.

Spinning with the wheel. 2010.

One mile of spun Icelandic wool. 2010.

Guðmundsson Re-Situated: Untitled Event #1. Medium format black and white photograph. 2009.

Guðmundsson Re-Situated: Untitled Event #2. Medium format black and white photograph. 2009.

Guðmundsson Re-Situated: Untitled Event #3. Medium format black and white photograph. 2009.

Guðmundsson Re-Situated: Untitled Event #4. Medium format black and white photograph. 2009.
Unforgotten Years. A copy of Logan Pearsall Smith's Unforgotten Years with each word individually removed. About 8" x 5" x 2". 2004 - 2006.

Drawing a Disappearing Line (getting out of the work) #1. Stills from a two and a half minute Super 8 film. Iceland. 2010.

Drawing a Disappearing Line (getting out of the work) #2. Stills from a two and a half minute Super 8 film. Iceland. 2010.

Drawing a Disappearing Line (getting out of the work) #3. Stills from a two and a half minute Super 8 film. New York City. 2010.
Reliable Furniture Prototypes: Table. Plywood. With Caroline Woolard. 2007.

Reliable Furniture Prototypes: Shelving. Plywood. With Caroline Woolard. 2007.

Attached. Digital photograph of ephemeral sculpture in which two balloons share air and hold each other afloat without knots. 2010.

Hangers. Porcelain. Typical hanger size. 2011.

My Only You. Linen, cotton, thread, buttons, cherry and maple hangers. 2008.
Supermoon. Photograph of the moon on March 19, 2011, the closest the moon has been to earth in 18 years. 2011.
Spiral Staircase. Installation view on Lookout Mountain in Georgia. 2008.
Spiral Staircase. Installation view on Lookout Mountain in Georgia. 2008.
Power Line Swing. Installation view on Lookout Mountain in Georgia. 2008.
Photograph from The Undiscovered Atoll of Flushtopia. For Queens International IV at the Queens Museum, with the Anti-Fascist Culture Club. 2009.
Spinning Wheel (in its travel box). 48" x 48" x 6" when closed. Oak, cherry, maple, steel, pine and plywood. 2009.
Spinning with the wheel. 2010.
One mile of spun Icelandic wool. 2010.
Guðmundsson Re-Situated: Untitled Event #1. Medium format black and white photograph. 2009.
Guðmundsson Re-Situated: Untitled Event #2. Medium format black and white photograph. 2009.
Guðmundsson Re-Situated: Untitled Event #3. Medium format black and white photograph. 2009.
Guðmundsson Re-Situated: Untitled Event #4. Medium format black and white photograph. 2009.
Unforgotten Years. A copy of Logan Pearsall Smith's Unforgotten Years with each word individually removed. About 8" x 5" x 2". 2004 - 2006.
Drawing a Disappearing Line (getting out of the work) #1. Stills from a two and a half minute Super 8 film. Iceland. 2010.
Drawing a Disappearing Line (getting out of the work) #2. Stills from a two and a half minute Super 8 film. Iceland. 2010.
Drawing a Disappearing Line (getting out of the work) #3. Stills from a two and a half minute Super 8 film. New York City. 2010.
Reliable Furniture Prototypes: Table. Plywood. With Caroline Woolard. 2007.
Reliable Furniture Prototypes: Shelving. Plywood. With Caroline Woolard. 2007.
Attached. Digital photograph of ephemeral sculpture in which two balloons share air and hold each other afloat without knots. 2010.
Hangers. Porcelain. Typical hanger size. 2011.
My Only You. Linen, cotton, thread, buttons, cherry and maple hangers. 2008.